Updated August 29, 2021.
To get a baseline of the server wait statistics.
This feature queries the 2 DMV’s sys.dm_os_waiting_tasks and sys.dm_os_wait_stats which returns information about the wait queue of tasks that are waiting on some resource as well as information about all the waits encountered by threads that executed, and where the wait type is enabled in the master data table dbo.fhsmWaitCategories.
The report page Wait Statistics has 2 line charts, one showing the signal wait time and wait time in mS, and the other chart the number of waiting tasks.
The x-axis for the charts is at the day level.
When hovering over the charts tooltips are showing detailed insight by showing the top 5 wait types with regards of wait time in mS, and number of waiting tasks.
Wait time tooltip
Waiting tasks tooltip
The model for the report uses the fact [Wait statistics] and the dimensions [Wait type], [Date] and [Time].
There is no configuration for this feature.
The default schedule for the feature is once every hour throughout the day.
The default retention for the table dbo.fhsmWaitStatistics is 30 days.