Original posted September 24, 2020, but now, May 1, 2022, version 1.10.0 has been released and it contains improved reports as well as error fixes. This blog is about a…
Flemming Haurum Posts
Published January 26, 2022. Purpose To show the configured triggers. Sources This feature queries the DMV sys.triggers which returns information for database and table triggers. Reports The report page Triggers…
Published January 26, 2022. Purpose To show the configured plan guides. Sources This feature queries the DMV sys.plan_guides which returns information for existing plan guides. Reports The report page Plan…
Published January 26, 2022. Purpose To show the plan cache usage over time. Sources This feature queries the DMV sys.dm_exec_cached_plans which returns information about the objects and their size in…
Published January 26, 2022. Purpose To show the CPU utilization over time. Sources This feature queries the DMV’s sys.dm_os_ring_buffers and sys.dm_exec_query_stats which returns information about CPU utilization overall, per database…
Published January 26, 2022. Purpose To show the number of connections over time. Sources This feature queries the DMV sys.dm_exec_sessions which returns information for all active connections. Reports The report…
Published January 26, 2022. Purpose To list agent jobs and their schedules. Sources This feature queries the MSDB tables dbo.sysjobs, dbo.sysjobschedules and dbo.sysschedules which returns information for the agent jobs…